2023 /24 Season Schedule

Below is a full season schedule for our division. At this stage, we plan to run the events shown in Bold.
This is subject to change at anytime. We aim to compete in as many events as budgets will allow.

Date Track Event
October 19th Perth Motorplex PowerPalooza Season Opener
26th Perth Motorplex Neville Lance Twin 14s
November 23rd Bunbury Speedway Bullring Showdown
30th Perth Motorplex John Day Speedcar Classic
December 7th Albany Speedway Southwest Speedcar Championship
26th Perth Motorplex Esslinger Triple Crown Night 1
28th Perth Motorplex  Esslinger Triple Crown Night 2
January 11th Perth Motorplex Esslinger Triple Crown Night 3 / NY Derby
February 8th Perth Motorplex Super Speedway
March 8th Perth Motorplex Super Speedway
15th Perth Motorplex 77th WA Speedcar Championship
29th Perth Motorplex Grand Final